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Strategic Plan

Blackhawk's Strategic Plan outlines the college's priorities and plays a pivotal role in guiding the college towards its vision and embodying its core values.

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Strategic Goals

  • Flexible Learning: develop flexible learning delivery models to meet student needs
  • Educational Excellence: enhance the college's pursuit of educational excellence
  • Data-Informed Decisions: improve our data-informed decision-making capabilities
  • College Environment: create a supportive and inclusive college environment
  • Operational Effectiveness: improve college operational efficiency and effectiveness

Strategic Initiatives

  • Enhance and Expand Flexible Learning Options
  • Improve the Transition from Associate to Bachelor's Degree

  • Improve our Integrated Learning Assessment System
  • Implement an Integrated Teaching Quality System to Drive Organization Improvement
  • Implement New Faculty Academy
  • Develop Master Courses to Enhance Consistency and Quality

  • Improve Accuracy, Access, and Sharing of Data/Information

  • Create a Strategic Enrollment Management Plan
  • Implement Starfish to Increase Student Retention and Success
  • Enhance Employee Performance Evaluation to Increase Employee Engagement
  • Improve Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Accessibility 
  • Enhance Community Engagement
  • Create a plan to enhance campus appeal, design continuity and art brand standards

  • Map and Document Key College Processes
  • Develop the Integrated Planning and Budget System
  • Implement CLSS to Improve the Scheduling Process
  • Optimize Ellucian/Banner